

7 種方法來修復 windows 媒體播放機

Windows 媒體播放機是嵌入在任何作業系統的最好的球員之一,因此使用者喜歡使用播放機,如外部下載不需要在這方面,內置的功能保證使用者得到最好的輸出。然而許多錯誤和問題時使用的媒體播放機已檢測到,這篇文章已被指示對這一問題以確保使用者永遠不會在這方面遇到任何的問題。值得注意的是,使用者應確保本教程讀來解決媒體播放機相關類的問題。

第 1 部分: 重新安裝 windows 媒體播放機

It is also one of the best and the state of the art resolutions that a user can apply to make sure that the windows media player related problems are resolved with quality and class. In order to make sure that the user gets the best out of the issues that are faced in this regard this section of the tutorial is to be read as it has been observed that the user as well as system related issues are not only resolved when media player is reinstalled but the overall problems are also catered in the best manner. The process that has been mentioned below is the one that is solely based on windows OS and therefore nothing is required to make sure that the process is ended with quality. All the built in tools are there to make sure that the user gets the best and the state of the art results in this regard and therefore it is very important to make sure that the user gets the best results when the process is followed in full without skipping any step. The screenshots that have been embedded within the process also makes it quiet easy to follow and for the same reason it is also to be noted that the user will not only get the best results but the overall effectiveness of the system also increases as the user gets to know the different functionalities of the system to make sure that if there is a second time then these issues are resolved by simply going through this tutorial. The process itself is also very simple to follow and therefore it is important to make sure that the user gets a good grip on the methodologies that have been explained as they are definitely the best of all times. The steps that are to be followed as mentioned below for the user to get a good insight:

1.是應遵循的路徑是開始 > 控制台來觸發該進程,以確保後面的卸載方法是:

7 ways to repair windows media player

2.windows 功能按鈕,然後將按下,以確保這一進程遵循以最好的方式:

7 ways to repair windows media player

3.媒體播放機核取方塊是被選中,請確保 windows 媒體播放機卸載:

7 ways to repair windows media player

4.使用者然後需要點擊 yes 如果出現任何錯誤提示,因此它也是有必要確保使用者等待以確保過程完成足額的:

7 ways to repair windows media player


7 ways to repair windows media player


7 ways to repair windows media player

7.通過遵循的過程完全相同的使用者需要請確保選中了 windows 媒體播放機框中,該系統是再次重新開機才能完成全部重新安裝過程:

7 ways to repair windows media player

Part2:Repair windows 媒體播放機與 Microsoft Fixit 工具

Microsoft Fixit 工具也是最好的和最先進的工具,很可惜,只是 XP 支援,當它來到最新的作業系統,那麼 windows 7 是一個已經在這方面得到支援,以確保修復了問題。所有其他 windows 作業系統不支援此程式。它也是要指出的是,使用者應該確保 Windows Media Player 10、 11 和 12 支援此程式及應遵循的使用指南,曾作為下這樣使用者可以得到最好的結果:

1.從 URL HTTP://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9775982 使用者需要確保的 fixit 工具 exe 檔的下載:

7 ways to repair windows media player


7 ways to repair windows media player

3.啟動 fixit 按鈕,然後將按下,以確保使用者獲取工具執行:

7 ways to repair windows media player


7 ways to repair windows media player

第 3 部分: 4 工具來修復 windows 媒體播放機

除了 Microsoft fixit 工具如下 4 的工具,都必須執行,以確保問題已解決:

1.GeForce 撬邊




7 ways to repair windows media player




只是檔案大小為 1.3 MB 電源板是確保使用者獲取最好的和最先進的夾具,當它來作為它的 Windows Media Player 也可以確保使用者獲取最好的和最先進的程式下載在這方面的最佳方案之一。值得注意的是,使用者還應確保已交付最好,因此平均評級也是高總下載的時候。

7 ways to repair windows media player

3.Riva 調諧器

阿列克謝 Nicolaychuk


Riva 調諧器也是最好的和最先進的程式,請確保使用者獲取最好的和最先進的程式之一時,Windows 媒體播放機夾具。它嵌入它以確保程式永遠不會留下任何問題沒有得到解決的先進環境中運行。

7 ways to repair windows media player


葛列格里 · 梅納德 · 霍爾


由使用者在遊戲過程中面臨的低顯示問題可以是一個嚴重的問題,因此 RefreshLock 確保本問題以及 windows 媒體播放機相關問題是解決在根本沒有時間確保使用者獲取最好的和最先進的服務與媒體播放機問題夾具內。標準和友好的使用者介面在這方面可以確保使用者獲取的最佳視圖和也獲取固定儘快在程式運行的問題。

7 ways to repair windows media player

第 4 部分: Windows 媒體播放機助理

Wondershare 到修復 windows 媒體播放機以其先進的功能和整體功能是最好以確保使用者獲取最好的和最先進的轉換經驗沒有任何的問題和問題也是要注意到容易去工作的程式是東西的 7 種方法取得就更好。它不僅支援總體格式轉換的一種快速的方式,但是,150 + 格式的支援,它可以確保使用者在這方面得到最好的體驗。

7 ways to repair windows media player

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